Showing posts with label Species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Species. Show all posts

Physical Anatomy of Centipedes

Believe it or not, centipedes are not just composed of body segments, multiple legs and forcipules which are clearly visible on their physical appearance. Centipedes may seem like simple creatures but they are not. They actually have an interesting and complex "anatomy".

Similar to the arthropods, centipedes do not have an internal skeleton which explains why they feel "squishy" when held by hand. Instead of an internal skeleton, they have a "cuticle exoskeleton" which usually protects their vulnerable organs and soft bodies.

Their exoskeleton has something called "chitin" which can be found in the shells of the sea creatures such as crab shell. In addition, centipedes have multiple cuticle layers. The first layer is the skin (in scientific term, it's called "epidermis"). But unlike other arthropods, centipedes do not have a waxy outer cuticle.

Since the body of a centipede lacks a waxy cuticle, it is common for them to die from dehydration. It is due to this reason why they joyfully inhabit hot climates. They actually reside under rocks, in soil and near the water as it allows them to conserve water and prevents them from dehydration.

Going back into the exoskeleton of a centipede, scientists had discovered it as "non-living" which means, it does not grow. Thus, when the centipede grow, its exoskeleton stays the same exact size from the time that the creature was hatched. As a result, the exoskeleton can get extremely tight that the centipedes may need to shed their exoskeleton to grow a new one. In fact, this process is referred by researchers as "molting".

The other parts of the centipede body include a long antennae (most species has an average length of 1 to 2 inches long) and many pairs of legs. Depending on the type of centipede specie, they can have anywhere between 15 pairs of legs to a whopping 141 pairs of legs. Additionally, centipedes possess a head and a pseudo-head (which is a sort of defense mechanism).

It is known that all species of centipedes choose to prey on insects. Their strategic hunting style is to surprise attack their prey using their forcipules attached into their real head. If they managed to successfully embed their jaws and delivered some amount of venom, this causes an immediate effect which paralyze their prey.

Centipedes actually have multi-jointed antennae and jaws that are connected into their forcipules which are filled with poison. And above all, their jaw is located behind their head which they use to kill their prey.

Anamorphy and Epimorphy of Centipedes Legs

Everybody know that it is common to all kinds of centipedes that they have dozen pairs of legs. One interesting fact about their legs is that, most of them actually grow their legs at different rates. These rates has been classified by the scientists as "Anamorphic" and "Epimorphic".

The growth rate of centipedes depends on several factors which include their class, age and status of their evolution. But in general, any centipedes that almost complete the number of their legs during their molting period is categorized as anamorphic. As for those who almost complete their legs before they go through their molting period is categorized as epimosphic. Newly hatched centipedes start off with only a dozen pair of legs or less. Usually they have no more than 4 or 10 legs and no more than 12 or 15 legs.


There are two common species of centipedes that undergoes anamorphic growth rate of their legs. They are the Scutigera Coleoptrata (commonly known as the "American House Centipede") and Craterostigmomorpha. On their early stage of being hatched, they have 4 to 6 legs. And once they go through their first molt, they grow another four legs.

When they reached an age of 6 months to 1 year-old, they have completed all of their legs. Female centipedes with up to 15 legs are considered as sexually mature adult which they are ready to produce their own young.


Just like anamorphy, epimorphy is also commonly observed from two species which are the Geophilomorpha and Scolopendromorpha. Surprisingly, these two kinds of centipedes already have their complete set of legs when they are embryos. They got up to 12 or more legs and once born, they have their complete legs.

Females actually have some slight differences to the males. It's because female centipedes usually have more number of legs than the males. To be more specific, the females can have over 15 total number of legs while the males can only have between 8 to 12 legs.

House Centipede Anatomy

Overall, despite of the simple appearance of centipedes, the anatomy of their body are composed of interesting parts which are a lot more than meets the eye.

Dangerous Centipedes in the Philippines

Despite the fact that most species of centipedes does not possess a deadly threat to humans and animals, you will be surprised to know that this seems to be quite untrue. It's because there was a certain report in the Philippines claiming that a certain centipede had bitten a 7 year-old girl right on her head. As a result, she end up dead after 29 hours period.

The centipede that had bitten the poor girl was probably a rare and undiscovered kind. Some researchers actually claims that it is probably a newly evolved type of centipede. You have to know that these creatures are continuously evolving at a fast-rate that scientists are being able to record new species every year.

According to the clinical doctors, a centipede bite will only cause some serious pain to the victim which is an effect of the creature's venom. Once the pain goes away, the victim will recover from the shock so as the swelling wound which may take several days. Although, the centipede's bite can be lethal to those who are allergic to the bite.

Going back into the case of the young girl, the doctors claimed that she doesn't had any allergies to insect bites. Based on their medical findings, the centipede had injected a large amount of venom into the child's bloodstream which was sufficient enough that got her killed.

Centipede Species in the Philippines

Philippines have a lot of naturally preserved regions that are covered with thick forest. It is also a tropical country that often experiences heavy rainfall. Due to these type of environment, it is a perfect habitat for any kinds of insects to thrive such as the centipedes.

Philippine Forest
The Philippine Forest
According to the some researchers, most species of centipedes that are found in the Philippines are the "Scolopendra Subspinipes". They are the same type of species that are found in South and Central America.

Other more common names of centipedes found in the Philippines are the following:

1. Chinese Red Head
2. Giant Centipede
3. Jungle Centipede
4. Orange Legged-Centipede
5. Red-Headed Centipede
6. Vietnamese Centipede

Latest reports claimed that there are 54 species of millipedes and 44 species of centipedes that has been discovered in the Philippines. These 44 species of centipedes varies in several different aspects such as colors, sizes and appearances. But, the most common and famous among them all is the Scolopendra Subspinipes where they have been recognized by many people due to their terrifying looks and aggressive behavior.

The Scolopendra Subspinipes specie of centipedes that inhabits the forest regions of the Philippines can grow at an average length of up to 30 centimeters long and 1 centimeters thick. And, finding one of them is actually an easy task. All you have to do is to search dump areas with rotten woods or leaves. Although, you really have to be careful because they can aggressively attack and bite your hands. Thus, you should always wear protective gloves when attempting to catch these kinds of creatures.

Colors of Scolopendra Centipedes

Philippine's own version of Scolopendra Subspinipes centipedes comes in several different colors. But, the most common color that can be easily spotted around are those with brown colors. Some interesting colors are yellow, green, red and bright orange. These are the type of colors that most centipede pet-owners would like to own.

According to some researchers, centipedes with bright colors possess more potent venom as compared to those with brown color. Despite the danger involve, bright colored centipedes are considered by most exotic pet-owners as a beautiful pet. Due to this reason, some people purposely collect and sell them for their profitable gain.

How Painful is Philippine's Scolopendra Subspinipes Bite?

The bigger the size of the Scolopendra centipede, the larger amount of venom that it can inject into its victim. Assuming that you got bitten by a large and fully matured centipede, there is no doubt that you will suffer an agonizing pain more than enough to make you cry no matter how tough you claim you are.

Along with the pain, the following symptoms may also be observed:

1. Swelling and redness of the wound
2. Deafness
3. Headaches
4. Nausea

Being bitten by Scolopendra centipedes can be really very uncomfortable that some people think that they are about to die. But the real fact is that, the pain will go away after a few hours of rest but the swelling and redness may take more time to heal. So whenever you encounter one of these kinds of giant centipedes, it is highly advised not to touch it or you will suffer a painful consequence.

Giant Scolopendra Gigantea

According to some scientific findings about centipedes, most of their species are not venomous enough to kill humans or large animals unless they are allergic to the bite. But among all the species, one among the most threatening of their kind is the "Scolopendra Gigantea" which is more commonly known as the "Amazonian Giant Centipede".

Amazonian giant centipedes find their perfect dwelling place or habitat at the tropical climate of South America's Amazon jungle.

Amazon Jungle
Amazon Jungle

A scolopendra gigantea can actually grow into a massive size which makes it unique and quite fascinating especially to any centipede pet owners. An adult or fully matured scolopendra gigantea can reach over 35 centimeters in length. This is comparable to the length of a man's forearm. And with such incredible size, anyone who hasn't encountered this kind of centipede will surely tremble and run away in fear.

The shell-color of an amazonian giant centipede is commonly "red-maroon" or "dark-brown". Most of them actually possess dark colors. No one is able to confirm yet if there's an amazonian giant centipede with bright colors.

When it comes to the legs, a fully matured scolopendra gigantea usually consists of around 46 color-yellow tinted legs. Common to all centipedes, if it happens that they lost one of their legs, they actually have the capability to grow a new one.

As a hunter or predator of the jungle, a giant amazonian centipede possess the power of speed to run around unnoticed. Due to this characteristics, some scientists describe them as "Swift Runners". Other than their speedy movement, these creatures are also good climbers. With their several pairs of legs, it allows them to climb through vertical surfaces with ease.

Scolopendra Gigantea are Carnivorous Creatures

All kinds of centipedes are actually both "carnivores" and "herbivores" (they eat dead plants). However, they are more categorized as carnivorous creatures because they prefer to eat meat. Probably, meat taste better to their appetite.

Small-sized centipedes have a long lists on their food menu which are other smaller creatures particularly insects as their prey. Some of these insects includes ants, beetles, spiders and termites. Common small-sized centipedes are the "House Centipedes" which can be observed running around the corners of an untidy room.

Unlike house centipedes, scolopendra gigantea does not invade house premises where they prefer to stay in the jungle. Due to their large sizes, they are surprisingly capable of hunting large rats in the rice-field. In fact, they can also hunt down small snakes. But above all, the most impressive display of their hunting skill is that, they can hunt bats living inside caves.

According to some biologists, the amazonian giant centipedes have highly developed quick responses. This is what makes them as "fierce hunters" and the reason why they can catch a flying bat in an instant.

Today, there's a growing number of exotic pet owners who are adding giant centipedes into their collections. If you are one of them and it's your first-time to own one of this kind of pet, you are advised not to touch or handle it with your bare hands. You have to know that a slight venom of the creature can cause severe reactions into your skin.

Do not touch

Although, some pet owners are able to handle their giant centipedes without getting harmed or bitten it's because they already have good handling experiences.

Finally, do you own a scolopendra gigantea giant centipede? If you do then it would be really grateful if you can share to us your experiences especially on how you handle and take good care of your pet.

Centipedes and their Habitats

Centipedes can actually be found all over the world consisting of different species. Each species are interestingly unique with one another where they can inhabit different types of environments (like the tropics and moist forests). Most species of centipedes have the capability to thrive on hot or warm weather conditions but as long as there's a source of water nearby. One interesting fact about centipedes is that, their bodies can absorb water which keeps them hydrated for long period of time. In short, Any place with a warm climate and moist places can actually become a perfect habitat for the centipedes to live.

Some common places with a large number of different species of centipedes are known in the regions of North America, South America, New Zealand and United Kingdom.

According to most scientific studies about centipedes, these creatures are more known to take shelters under decaying woods, near rock formations, loose type of soil, base boards and in the gardens. It's because these areas allows them to stay warm and at the same time, prevents their bodies from drying up. In addition, living in tight objects can protect them from other more fearsome predators.

Did you know that several centipedes can live or hide fitting themselves in a small decaying log?

A female centipedes can actually have up to fifty or more eggs. Surprisingly, parental centipedes together with their eggs can live in a small log along with the other centipedes without needing a larger room for breeding.

Despite the fact that centipedes can inhabit various places of the world, there are actually two regions where they won't be able to survive. They are the Arctic and Antarctic regions. These two places can freeze the centipedes to their deaths. Since the areas are nothing but cold and ice, they won't surely last longer than a few hours. Furthermore, there has been no record of any centipede findings in the Arctic or Antarctic so long as they have been here on Earth.

Some Common Centipedes and their Habitats


The most common and popular specie of centipedes is the "Scutigeromorpha" or "House Centipedes". They are very fast creatures who can endure high-falls even at a rate of very fast speed.

House centipedes have multi-segmented antennae, compound eyes and they have adapted the characteristic of burrowing themselves around their habitat. Their average body-length ranges from 2.5 to 3 centimeters only. As for the color of their body, some people describe them as grayish-yellow, brownish-yellow, dark-orange or yellowish-gold.

Scutigeromorpha are commonly found hidden inside homes. Thus, they are considered as pests. According to some statistical survey, Southern Africa and Madagascar has the highest number of house centipede infestation.


"Lithobiomorpha" is also known as "Stone Centipedes" and they are very similar to the scutigeromorpha specie. But their main difference is that, lithobiomorpha had lost their compound eyes which according to the scientific discovery, they lost it due to the process of evolution that took place through time. Instead of an eye, they have a group of ocelli. Another difference is that they have shorter legs and antennae.

Stone centipedes are commonly found inhabiting various regions of New Zealand.


The least diverse centipede group is the "Craterostigmomorpha" which inhabits both regions of Tasmania and New Zealand. Centipedes in this group are generally greenish-brown in color with a large red-brown head supporting the creature's massive forcipules. Despite of its existence, many scientists still have very little information about their biology. Although, it is estimated that this specie had originated for about 375 million years ago.


The "Scolopendromorpha" specie is also known as the "Tropical Centipedes" and they are considered as the world's largest centipede. These creatures possess between 21 to 43 body segments with a total body-length that measures an average of over 16 centimeters in length. As for their antennae, it usually consists of 17 segments.

Although, there are some slight differences of other scolopendromorpha specie to their native counterparts that inhabits on the same regions of New Zealand. Some Tropical Centipedes do not exceed 5 centimeters. And unique to them is that, they always have 21 pairs of legs and are either blind or have ocelli.


"Geophilomorpha" is also known as "Soil Centipedes". You may be surprised to know that they are "eyeless" and blind creatures. Due to their blindness, they are like earthworms that have adapted themselves living beneath the ground.

Their long and thin bodies possess numerous short legs ranging from 31 to 181 pairs. As for their body-length, they can grow from 1 to 25 centimeters long. Their common type of colors can be reddish-brown or pale yellow.

Soil centipedes can be found inhabiting any areas of the world that offers them a thriving place such as the gardens, yards, woodlands and agricultural land farms.


Moreover, there are over 3,000 identified species of centipedes across the world with varying habitats. Not to mention those that are still unidentified and undiscovered species. Who knows that there can be a newly evolved specie that can survive at any kind of environment.

How to keep Giant Centipede as a Pet?

There's a sudden interests of a growing number of individuals who wants to keep giant centipedes as one of their pets. Due to them, such creatures are now being sold from Pet Stores and even via online stores.

According to some centipede pet owners, they find the obsession of keeping centipedes as their pet due to their varied colors and their unquenchable appetite of eating their prey. As a matter of fact, most centipede pet owners are actually being fascinated by how these many legged creature catches their helpless victims and feed on them.

The best place to watch centipedes in action is to visit YouTube. In the past previous post, I have covered giant centipede versus other top predators such as mouse, snakes, scorpions and etc... Included in the discussion are the links to their YouTube videos.

You may already have probably seen some owners holding their own giant centipede pet with their own "bare hands". Be warned that only few individuals can do this act that only trained handlers can perform. In fact, even professionals handlers claim that there's still a risk of them from being bitten by the insect.

If it happens that you seem to have the interest of keeping a giant centipede as a pet, you have to be warned that they do bite resulting into extreme and excruciating pain. Due to this reason, they are pets strictly for adult individuals only.

Taking care a giant centipede as a pet isn't just like any other ordinary pets around. So before you start owning one of them, you need to conduct a thorough research about these creatures first.

Proper Housing of a Centipede Pet

The house or container of your centipede pet is of vital importance. If you do not provide them the right environment comparable to their habitat then they won't live long enough.

Here are the following tips on how to provide a proper housing for your many-legged pet:

1. Enough room

The house or the container must provide enough room for your pet to move around. If you are planning to take care two or more giant centipedes then you should make sure that there is enough room for them to stretch and explore around the corners.

2. Soil

Centipedes do really love to cover or bury themselves underground (particularly with soil). Thus, you should fill the bottom floor of the container with soft type of soil (maybe at least 2 to 3 inches). It is important that you must maintain the soil always at its soft condition.

3. Maintaining Temperature of the Environment

Since centipedes inhabit swampy and misty environments, it is important that you have to offer the same type of atmosphere to your pet's new home.

4. Other components

Aside from the soil, you should also add other components such as bark, leaf litter and rotting woods. You will be surprised to know that they also love to burrow themselves under them.

5. Container Walls must be High

The height of the container or its walls must be high enough that you centipede pet won't be able to reach the lid and escape out. Take not, sealing the opening of the container in order to prevent your pet from escaping out is not a good idea. Your pet won't be able to breathe air and die.

Centipede Pets that are for Sale

I myself actually have the interest of keeping a giant centipede as a pet. So I went visiting all Pet Shops near my place. As a result, there were only few numbers of giant centipedes that I found on-sale. When I asked the seller "Why?", he claims the there's a huge demand for centipede pets these days. Most of them are even requesting him rare species that they are willing to pay it for a very high price.

Here are the following giant centipedes that are commonly available on various Pet Shops:

Common Species

1. Vietnamese Giant Centipede

2. Red Head Tiger Leg Centipede

3. Amazon Centipede

(*Prices of the above species starts at $25.)

Rare Species

1. Barbados Giant Centipede

2. Chilean Centipede

3. Fan Tailed Centipede

4. Egyptian Centipede

5. Haiti Giant Centipede

6. Tanzanian Centipede

Catch or Buy your own Centipede Pet

If there are places you know where you can catch giant centipedes (such as in the forest) then you may choose to catch one provided that you know how to capture it. If you don't then you are simply putting yourself at risk of getting bitten by the insect.

In order for you to catch a wild-giant centipede, you need to wear appropriate protective gear. These includes boots, gloves and clothing that covers most of your skin body-parts.

Catching a wild centipede is best done by using a net rather than grabbing it by hand. Some people also use sticks but this isn't advisable to be used especially when it's your first-time to capture a centipede.

Anyway, if you have the extra-money and you do not want to put yourself at the risk of catching one then your best option is to buy it from the Pet Shop.

Giant Centipede Pet for Exterminating Bug Infestation

If your main purpose of keeping or owning a giant centipede as a pet is to exterminate bug infestation around your house, sad to say that this is not the solution into your problem. Assuming that you set your pet out "free" to roam around the corner of your house, what if you suddenly encounter it on your bed or on the sofa? If you didn't notice its presence and you lay down on it, you will surely feel an agonizing pain of its bite.

Giant centipedes are considered good pets for the adult individuals but they are not intended for exterminating bug infestations. The best method for bug infestation problem is "still" to seek immediate help from the professional bug exterminators.

Centipede Pet

Moreover, keeping a giant centipede as a pet is both interesting and challenging. However, some owners do gave up due to the reason that they could not sustain or provide the food that their pet needs. So if you do not have a good source of acquiring foods for your pet then owning a centipede pet is not for you.

Scientific Discovery and Study of Centipedes

The study of centipedes is actually very complex that really challenges most researchers about uncovering information about them. But despite of the complexity involve, discovering and studying various species of centipedes are also quite very fascinating.

For years, the centipede (also referred by some as the "100 legged worm or insect") has frightened but intrigued a lot of people throughout the world. Due to their existence, "Biologist" (scientists that studies centipedes and other various life forms on Earth) has been studying these particular arthropod for decades.

Throughout the years of studying the centipedes, scientists came to discover the most important thing to know about them. Most scientists had actually focused their research on the specie called "Scutigera Coleoptrata" where they were able to learn their biology especially on how their venom works.

The importance of studying centipedes is actually for the benefit of everyone. By understanding them, the general public will be able to know, how or what precautions to take when in contact with a centipede. And also, how to eliminate them and to know the benefits that they do bring to us.

Biology of Centipedes

A centipede's biology is fairly simple where scientists had classified them under the arthropod category. Since the most commonly seen specie of centipedes around are the scutigera coleoptrata, they are the favorite test subjects by most researchers.

Scutigera coleoptrata possess a long and soft body with anywhere between 15 to 100 pairs of legs. They have small claws (also known as "pincers") that they use to either defend themselves or to catch their prey. On top of their tiny heads, they have antennas.

As one of the top predators, wild centipedes are quite good at camouflaging themselves especially when they are in the forests or near the water. To be more specific, they generally love the tropics, parks that feature small rivers or beaches that have rock formations gathered near the ocean.

When Centipede Bite a Human Victim

Centipedes only use their venom in catching their prey but they won't hesitate to use it against human when they feel threatened. The good thing is that, centipede venom is not dangerous to human unless the person is allergic to the bite. However, their venom is deadly to their prey especially those insects that are beneath them in the "Food Chain".

If it happens that you got bitten by a wild centipede (assuming that it's a Scolopendra), it's venom will work on you where you will be suffering an unbearable or excruciating pain that could last for an hour. The bitten area will then leave a red bump that will itch and swell for up to three days or more. And for the good news, there have been no recorded human deaths from centipede bites due to their venom.

On the other hand, if the centipede bit its prey, it will paralyze them to the extent that they are unable to move and defend themselves. This makes their prey an easy target and meal for the centipede.

Their venom is very effective on any insects regardless of their size. They can easily take down ants or even bees!

Study of Centipedes for Preventing Centipede Infestation

Scientists or biologists aren't studying centipedes just for the sole purpose of being fascinated about them. The main objective of their studies is to discover the best and effective method on how to prevent centipede infestation especially around your home. So far, they have found out that home owners should always keep their homes dry and clean (a habitat in which centipedes cannot thrive in).

Without the study of centipedes, people may see them as a threat that needs to be completely terminated. It is very important that you have to know the fact that centipedes do have a major importance in the ecosystem. They are the once responsible for controlling the numbers of other insects especially pests such as ants, termites, bed bugs, cockroaches and etc...

If it happens that centipedes are all wiped out of their existence, this will cause chaos in the ecosystem allowing over population of other tiny insects which the centipedes preys on. Some scientists speculates that spiders may take the place of the centipedes if they are gone.

As a result of the study, centipedes plays a very important role in the ecosystem. Other than their importance, scientists have also discovered hundreds of different species around the world. To tell you, they even keep on discovering new species every year that probably undergone the process of evolution.


Regardless of the ongoing studies about centipedes, scientists have not yet learned everything there is to know about them where some aspects of their lifestyle remains to be a mystery.

Scientific Names of Common Centipede Species

Researcher claims that there is an estimated amount of 8,000 centipede species around the world and there are only 3,000 of these species that has been named and described. To tell you, scientists keeps on discovering newly evolve species of centipedes every year.

One interesting fact about centipedes is that, they are actually one of the oldest animals on Earth that had undergone numerous form of evolution. Based from the scientific findings of the scientists, they had uncovered several fossils of centipedes dating back for over 400 million years of age. Thus, there were older species of centipedes in the past that went extinct.

Here are the following common type of centipede species today and their scientific names:

1. Scutigera Coleoptrata or Scutigeromorpha (House Centipedes)

- The pesky "house centipedes" that lurks and run around the corners of your house is scientifically known as the "Scutigera Coleoptrata" or "Scutigeromorpha".

A fully grown or matured Scutigeromorpha centipede commonly has a body-length of about 1.5 inch or between 25 to 35 millimeters. But, if you are going to include its legs and antenna, its total length goes around 4 inches in length. Speaking about its legs, an adult centipede of this specie can grow up to 15 pairs of long legs attached to its rigid body. The most interesting aspect about their legs is that, they can sprint at an amazing speed of 0.4 meters per second. Other than their speed, they can also run up on the walls or on the ceiling like spiders.

House Centipede

The most common body-color of a house centipede is "yellowish-grey" composing of "three dorsal stripes" along the length of its body. If you take a closer look, you will also notice that there are dark stripes on its legs.

2. Lithobiomorpha (Stone Centipedes)

- "Lithobiomorpha" is a centipede specie that is generally known as "Stone Centipedes". They are called Stone Centipedes due to their preferred habitat in which they tend to live on places with a lot of stones or rocks around them.

An adult Stone Centipede can grow a total of 15 body segments.

Unlike most other species of centipedes, Stone Centipedes do have short legs and the most strangest part about them is that, they do not have eyes to see their surrounding environment. Instead of eyes, they actually have a single "ocellus" or a group of "ocelli".

As for the legs, Lithobiomorpha consists of separate "tergite" which goes alternate in length. In comparison to the Scutigeromorpha, Stone Centipedes have shorter legs and antennae.

3. Craterostigmomorpha

- "Craterostigmomorpha" is the common type of centipede found in the region of Tasmania and New Zealand. What makes them unique among the other species of centipedes is how their body gets developed which comprises of just one single stage. Their body can actually grow between 12 to 15 segments on their first moult (the process of shedding their old shell or skin).

According to the researchers, Craterostigmomorpha species of centipedes have a relationship to the primitive "Anamorphic" centipedes which was also derived from the "Epimorpha". Due to such ancestry, they are considered as "Platypus" (semi-aquatic type of creatures). Due to this reason, they do represent the last survivors of the "clade" (the evolution of the maternal unification of Craterostigomomorpha with the Epimorpha).

The basis of the researchers about the clade is the presence of the "sternal pores" on the Craterostigmomorpha centipedes. A trait in which the centipede secrets some kind of sticky liquid which can repel predators or parasites away from them. With those pores, the researchers were able to derive an estimate time of their existence which goes around 375 million years ago.

4. Scolopendromorpha (Tropical Centipedes)

- "Scolopendromorpha" is more commonly known as the "Tropical Centipedes".

What makes tropical centipedes interesting above all other species of centipedes is that, they actually have the highest number of body segments. Upon reaching their full maturity, they can develop a total of 21 to 23 body segments. A special kind of this specie called, "Scolopendropsis Duplicata" can develop an impressive number of up to 39 to 43 body segments.

5. Geophilomorpha (Soil Centipedes)

- Centipedes that are often found living under the ground or soil do belong in the specie called "Geophilomorpha". Due to their preferred type of habitat, they are more commonly known as "Soil Centipedes".

Just like the stone centipedes, soil centipedes are also blind or eyeless. But, what really makes them unique are the spiracles on the bearing of their leg segments. These spiracles is often observed between the 3rd to 14th segments of their body that bears the legs particularly at the middle portion.

In addition to their unique spiracles, soil centipedes holds the record of having the largest number of pair of legs which goes around 27 or more.

6. Alipes Grandidieri (Feather Tail Centipede)

- The "Alipes Grandidieri" centipede specie is actually the type of centipede-pet with a huge demand from the Pet Store. Many centipede pet-lovers are desperate to buy one for them.

Some individuals call this type of centipede as the "Feather Tail Centipede". Their wonderful feather-tail is actually the main reason why most insect-pet lovers crave to have to own one of them.

7. Ethmostigmus Trigonopodus (Blue Ring Centipede)

- "Ethmostigmus Trigonopodus" is also generally known as the "Blue Ring Centipede" where they originate in the Tanzania region.

They are called blue ring centipedes it's because of the blue-bands around their legs.

Take note, these centipedes are quite aggressive in nature.

8. Pachymerium Ferrugineum (Earth Centipede)

- "Pachymerium Ferrugineum" centipede specie can be found in the central region of Europe (Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia) and Asian countries such as Japan and Turkey. They can also be found on African islands such as Azores, Canary Islands and Crete.

They are also called "Earth Centipede" because they love to burrow themselves in the ground.

9. Scolopendra

a. Scolopendra Galapagoensis (Galapagos Centipede)

- "Scolopendra Galapagoensis" is a type of centipede specie where the creature grows a massive body spines. According to some researchers and hobbyists, they claim that this specie can grow at an incredible length of around 10 to 16 inches.

This specie originates from South America.

b. Scolopendra Gigantea (Peruvian Giant Orange Leg Centipede)

- "Scolopendra Gigantea" is also another large specie of centipedes. They can grow at a total length of 10 to 12 inches and they can be found in South America and the Caribbean region.

c. Scolopendra Heros (Giant Red-Headed Centipede)

- "Scolopendra Heros" is a species of centipede that is commonly found in the North region of America (they can also be found in Northern Mexico, Arizona, Arkansas and East Missouri). Residents of this region who are familiar about them call it "Texas Redheaded Centipede" or "Giant Redheaded Centipede".

These centipedes with red-colored head can grow at an average length of 6.5 to 8 inches. And each segments of their body can beat up to 21 to 23 pairs of legs.

d. Scolopendra Morsitans (Red-Headed Centipede)

- "Scolopendra Mortisans" is another specie of centipedes consisting of red colored head. This is the reason why they are called "Red-Headed Centipedes". But aside from their red heads, they posses unique blue-colored ring-leg the reason why they are also called "Tanazanian Blue Ringleg".

e. Scolopendra Polymorpha (Giant Sonoran Centipede)

- "Scolopendra Polymorpha" has many other common names which are "Common Desert Centipede", "Tiger Centipede", "Banded Desert Centipede" or "Sonoran Desert Centipede". They can be found in the Southwestern region of the United States and Northern region of Mexico (Pacific Coast). At any place of the region, this specie of centipedes can dwell on dry grasslands, forest and desert. They often take shelter under rocks, rotting logs or burrow themselves at a suitable environment.

The typical body size of a Scolopendra Polymorpha centipede generally reaches between 4 to 7 inches in length. As for their color, they do come in several varieties of colors which are light-brown, tan and orange.

f. Scolopendra Subspinipes (Vietnamese Centipede)

- "Scolopendra Subspinipes" is more commonly known as the "Vietnamese Centipedes". Other common names include "Chinese Red Head", "Giant Centipede", "Jungle Centipede", "Orange Legged Centipede" and "Red Headed Centipede".

They do propagate in all Tropical and Subtropical Asian countries.

As for their body structure, they can grow at a massive size of up to 20 cm in length. Apart from this, they are also very active and aggressive.

Overall, regardless of which specie does a certain centipede belong there is one thing for that is for sure. Scientists had concluded that centipedes are one among the oldest animals on Earth that existed millions of years ago. This means that they had co-existed with the dinosaurs.