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Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts

Symptoms and Treatments of Centipede Bites

Centipedes bites to human victims don't frequently happen in the United States unlike bites from other common insects such as ants, bees, wasps and hornets. But at some point, you can also become one of the most unfortunate individual that can be the next victim of a centipede bite.

Common to all centipedes is their maxillipeds (also known as their "poison claws") which is located on their head allowing them to easily bite into their prey. They actually have a very painful bite which depends on their size. Bigger-sized centipedes can really induce extremely painful bite. When bitten against other insects, their venom can immediately take effect which can immobilize and numb their prey.

What really makes centipedes a frightening creature is that they do not only go after insects but also attack anyone who might cause harm to them. Common human victims are gardeners who often find themselves getting bitten by centipedes while tending into their plants or flower beds.

So far, the good news about centipede bites is that there have been no records of deaths or major health crises about it. However, those that have the greatest risk of major health problems from an insect bite are the elderly, children and those who are allergic to insects.

Symptoms of a Centipede Bite

There are some rare cases where you can get bitten by a centipede without you knowing what exactly bit you. It's because they are quite speedy creatures that they can ran away unnoticed. Thus, here are the following symptoms to determine a centipede bite:

1. Two Punctured Wounds

If you take a close look into the wound, you should notice two punctured wounds which is due to the insect's modified jaws. You may want to use a magnifying glass if you have poor-eyesight.

2. Extreme Pain

Once got bitten by the insect, the victim will experience a terrifying pain. The pain can be experienced for several period of hours but for some individuals, it could last for several days.

The bitten portion will turn red, numb and swell.

3. Effects of the Bite

Aside from the painful bite of the centipede, the victim will also experience the following after-effect symptoms of the bite:

a. Intense itching
b. Local tenderness
c. Headache
d. Swollen lymph
e. Dizziness
f. Nausea
g. Palpitations
h. Anxiety
i. High blood pressure
j. Local tissue damage

Treating a Centipede Bite

If you got bit by a centipede, sad to say that you really have to endure the pain but rest assured that you will be fine unless you are allergic to the bite. Anyway, here are the following steps on how to treat a centipede bite:

1. Wash the Wound

When you got bitten by a centipede, the first important step that you need to do is to wash your wound with anti-bacterial soap (such as safeguard) and clean water to prevent infection.

2. Apply a Cold Ice

To help relieve the pain, you can apply a cold ice or water into the bitten area for at least 10 minutes.

3. Seek Medical Care

If you are experiencing several symptoms (mentioned above), you are advised to seek immediate medical help.

Flower Garden

Overall, to reduce the risk of centipede bites it is highly recommended to wear gloves when working in the garden. As for the young children, parents should keep them supervised if playing with soil to prevent them from picking up a centipede.

Pregnant Women and Unborn Baby Died | Insect Bite

In Kuala Selangor, there was an incident where a pregnant women along with her unborn child had died from a centipede bite.

According to the news report, the whole incident occurred when Azlina Saian (33 years-old) got bitten by a centipede. Unfortunately, she didn't know what kind of insect had actually bit her. She simply thought that it was an ant so she simply laid down on the floor and watched on the television with her husband.


The biting incident occurred inside their house in Kampung Tanjung siam Baru on December 29th. Both husband and wife thought that the bit was caused by just an ordinary insect. So the husband Abdul Rahman Samad (37 years-old) had instructed her wife to apply some ointment-disinfectant.

After a few hours later, Azlina's face started to swell then followed by a high fever.

In the next early morning, some worker came to clean their house and claimed that she found some small centipedes on Azlina's pillow. The pillow that the victim used from the time that she got bitten.

In the next following day, Azlina's condition became a lot more worse where she started to bleed from the gums. Due to such serious symptoms, her husband rushed her into the Tanjung Karang Hospital. And from that same time, Azlina claims that she can feel their baby dying.

After some physical examinations from the clinical doctors, they had a bad news to Abdul Rahman. The fetus carried by her wife had died. But, the problem didn't end there yet. Azlina's condition even become more severe that she was transferred into a better hospital, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) in Klang.

According to the further statement of Abdul Rahman, her wife was bleeding a lot on her nose including under her fingernails which was a very strange case for a centipede bite. Her body even refuses blood transfusion. As a result, Azlina died at exactly 8:15 AM. Based from HTAT director, Dr. Yahaya Baba, she died from "Septicaemic" (blood poisoning) and shock which is also known as "Septic Shock".

Blood Poisoning

In your own opinion, do you think that the venom of a house centipede is capable of causing blood poisoning? And, could it possibly be that Azlina was bitten by some other kind of unknown insect?

So what's your own opinion guys?

Dangerous Centipedes in the Philippines

Despite the fact that most species of centipedes does not possess a deadly threat to humans and animals, you will be surprised to know that this seems to be quite untrue. It's because there was a certain report in the Philippines claiming that a certain centipede had bitten a 7 year-old girl right on her head. As a result, she end up dead after 29 hours period.

The centipede that had bitten the poor girl was probably a rare and undiscovered kind. Some researchers actually claims that it is probably a newly evolved type of centipede. You have to know that these creatures are continuously evolving at a fast-rate that scientists are being able to record new species every year.

According to the clinical doctors, a centipede bite will only cause some serious pain to the victim which is an effect of the creature's venom. Once the pain goes away, the victim will recover from the shock so as the swelling wound which may take several days. Although, the centipede's bite can be lethal to those who are allergic to the bite.

Going back into the case of the young girl, the doctors claimed that she doesn't had any allergies to insect bites. Based on their medical findings, the centipede had injected a large amount of venom into the child's bloodstream which was sufficient enough that got her killed.

Centipede Species in the Philippines

Philippines have a lot of naturally preserved regions that are covered with thick forest. It is also a tropical country that often experiences heavy rainfall. Due to these type of environment, it is a perfect habitat for any kinds of insects to thrive such as the centipedes.

Philippine Forest
The Philippine Forest
According to the some researchers, most species of centipedes that are found in the Philippines are the "Scolopendra Subspinipes". They are the same type of species that are found in South and Central America.

Other more common names of centipedes found in the Philippines are the following:

1. Chinese Red Head
2. Giant Centipede
3. Jungle Centipede
4. Orange Legged-Centipede
5. Red-Headed Centipede
6. Vietnamese Centipede

Latest reports claimed that there are 54 species of millipedes and 44 species of centipedes that has been discovered in the Philippines. These 44 species of centipedes varies in several different aspects such as colors, sizes and appearances. But, the most common and famous among them all is the Scolopendra Subspinipes where they have been recognized by many people due to their terrifying looks and aggressive behavior.

The Scolopendra Subspinipes specie of centipedes that inhabits the forest regions of the Philippines can grow at an average length of up to 30 centimeters long and 1 centimeters thick. And, finding one of them is actually an easy task. All you have to do is to search dump areas with rotten woods or leaves. Although, you really have to be careful because they can aggressively attack and bite your hands. Thus, you should always wear protective gloves when attempting to catch these kinds of creatures.

Colors of Scolopendra Centipedes

Philippine's own version of Scolopendra Subspinipes centipedes comes in several different colors. But, the most common color that can be easily spotted around are those with brown colors. Some interesting colors are yellow, green, red and bright orange. These are the type of colors that most centipede pet-owners would like to own.

According to some researchers, centipedes with bright colors possess more potent venom as compared to those with brown color. Despite the danger involve, bright colored centipedes are considered by most exotic pet-owners as a beautiful pet. Due to this reason, some people purposely collect and sell them for their profitable gain.

How Painful is Philippine's Scolopendra Subspinipes Bite?

The bigger the size of the Scolopendra centipede, the larger amount of venom that it can inject into its victim. Assuming that you got bitten by a large and fully matured centipede, there is no doubt that you will suffer an agonizing pain more than enough to make you cry no matter how tough you claim you are.

Along with the pain, the following symptoms may also be observed:

1. Swelling and redness of the wound
2. Deafness
3. Headaches
4. Nausea

Being bitten by Scolopendra centipedes can be really very uncomfortable that some people think that they are about to die. But the real fact is that, the pain will go away after a few hours of rest but the swelling and redness may take more time to heal. So whenever you encounter one of these kinds of giant centipedes, it is highly advised not to touch it or you will suffer a painful consequence.

Effective Pesky Insect Repellents

There are actually plenty of "house centipede repellent" products that are available in the market. The only problem is choosing the right product that can effectively work against the pests. You also have to consider the contents of the product if it's either safe or toxic.

Toxic Repellents are products that are not friendly to the environment. They can affect your health and animals who are exposed on their contents. It is for this reason why only professional Insect Exterminators can use them the right way.

For home owners or regular individuals, it is highly suggested to use the "Natural Friendly" type of repellents. It's because you don't have to worry about your family members and pets as you get rid of those pesky bugs.

Insect Repellent

Here are the following house centipede repellents that are best recommended by many home owners to be quite effective against various insects:

1. Victor M256 Poison - Free Insect Magnet Traps

Magnet traps does not only catch house centipedes but also other crawling insects that roams around such as cockroaches, spiders, ants and etc... The best feature of this product is that, it's "Poison-Free".

In order to use it, take one sheet of the magnet trap then strip it apart into two separate traps. Situate your traps into the corner or the favorite place of the insects where they love to hung around. Some common places are the kitchen, inside cabinets and dark & dirty corners of the room.

After setting up the trap, all you have to do now is to wait for at least 3 to 4 days. If it happens that your magnet traps didn't caught anything then move it into another different location.

(Visit http://amzn.to/YyTT94 for more information about Victor M256 Poison Magnet Trap)

2. EcoPCO AR-X

"EcoPCO AR-X" is one of the few eco-friendly insecticide products that are available in the market today. It is a multi-purpose insecticide spray that is capable of exterminating various pests. Some of these pests includes house centipedes, ants, carpet beetles, carpenter bees, moths, mites, spiders, termites and etc...

Here are the following good features of EcoPCO AR-X:

a. It does not leave any visible residue.
b. It quickly knocks the insects down.
c. Great for school IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

(Visit http://amzn.to/1mEVeGy for more information about EcoPCO AR-X)

3. FireBack Bedbug and Insect Spray

For those who easily get's irritated by the strong odor of insecticide products, here comes the "FireBack Bedbug and Insect Spray" which features "no unpleasant" odor to the user. Other than that, it's content also does not cause any stains when accidentally applied on a piece of cloth. Overall, this insect-spray repellent can be used both indoor and outdoor.

According to some users of this insect repellent product, it can terminate insects such as centipedes, bedbugs, ants, beetles, cockroaches, crickets, silverfish, ticks, flies, wasps and etc...

(Visit http://amzn.to/YyXhkp for more information about Fireback Bedbug and Insect Spray)

4. Bed Bug FixTM

"Bed Bug FixTM" manufacturers had designed this insect repellent product as green and environmentally friendly. It's because it can be used even when there are children, pets and plants around. It is actually due to the reason that it non-toxic, non-flammable, bio-degradable, non-staining, food-derived and voluntary type of product.

When applied to an insect, Bed Bug FixTM's has a special content that will remain in contact with the creature which is lethal for up to 90 days. It is due to this reason why this product has a high-guarantee of terminating insects.

Despite of the product's name (which was derived from bed bugs), it can actually exterminate all sorts of other pesky insects.

(Visit http://amzn.to/1xteACj for more information about Bed Bug Fix TM)

5. Pro-Citra DL Aerosol

You may be surprised to know that the "Pro-Citra DL Aerosol" is an insect repellent that are made of organic chemicals which can be found on fruits and various plants. Some of the contents come from citrus, vegetables, meats, spices and other types of fruits.

Some insects which Pro-Citra DL Aerosol has been proven effective are the ants, house centipedes, boxelder bugs, chocolate moths, clover mites, cluster flies, crickets and dermestids. When sprayed into these kinds of insects, you will notice a fast-acting result. In addition to its effectiveness, it has a fresh type of odor.

(Visit http://amzn.to/1qMak8x for more information about Pro-Citra DL Aerosol)

Millipedes and Silverfish

Centipedes and "Millipedes" are commonly mistaken by many individuals from one another because of their worm-like body and countless number of legs. They may actually seem like similar in appearance but there are several aspects that can be closely observed to distinguish them apart. Millipedes are usually dark colored with two pairs of legs per body segments. While the centipedes, they usually have reddish brown color with only one pair of legs per body segments.

The easiest method in distinguishing centipedes from the millipedes is by observing the number of legs on their body. A Centipede actually have fewer number of legs than millipedes and have more flattened type of body.

Foods for Centipedes and Millipedes

Both centipedes and millipedes feed on dead plants but the centipedes prefers more hunting for small insects such as flies, ants, cockroaches and etc... They are actually good hunters equipped with their fast-running legs and jaws that secretes venom into their prey. Millipedes doesn't possess such aggressive predatory characteristic of the centipedes so they often simply stick eating dead plants for their diets (some special species of millipedes are known to feed on small insects, earthworms and snails).


Most people view the centipedes as a "not-so-attractive" type of bugs. Nevertheless, they are actually beneficial to the growth of garden plants as they feed on both dead plants and pesky insects. Thus, they provide the lawn a free fertilizing nutrients into the soil. Although, it is still generally important to keep an eye to the population levels of both centipedes and millipedes. It's because their population growth can result into the loss of the garden plants.


Aside from the differences in appearances, both centipedes and millipedes thrive in moist habitats. They often find shelter under rocks, composts, under rotting woods and etc... According to some sources, both creatures propagates across the regions of U.S. and Europe.

Other than the outside environment, centipede species known as "House Centipedes" prefers to take shelter inside homes along with other insects that they can catch and eat. The same thing goes to the millipedes. But despite of their predacious characteristics, they are harmless to humans and animal pets. In fact, they are even beneficial for eliminating other insect-pests inside the house.

House Centipedes and the Silverfish

Both house centipedes and "Silverfish" are pesky creatures that lurks around a certain untidy house. Just like the millipedes, house centipedes and silverfish are also often mistaken with one another. But most importantly, once you spotted either one of them, you are advised to seek immediate help from the professional exterminators as their numbers can grow at a fast alarming rate.

Comparison between a House Centipede and Silverfish

The name of the insect, "silverfish" was derived from the silver-gray color of their soft body and their body-shape that look-like a fish. As for the house centipedes, they usually have light brown or yellowish colors.

An average mature size of a silverfish ranges from one-quarter and one-half of an inch long. In comparison to the house centipedes, they are much longer in length which goes between 1 to 1.5 inches long for the males while the females can grow for up to 3 inches long.

A silverfish's head consists of two antennae and connected into their abdomen are a total of six legs (three legs on each opposite sides). House centipede also have two long antennae on top of its head but with more number of legs. The average total legs of an adult house centipede ranges between 15 to 30 pairs of legs.

Many people think that a silverfish can fly. They actually don't because they do not have wings.

Silverfish Foods and Habitats

Both house centipede and silverfish thrive on similar type of environment or habitat. They do prefer to take shelter inside houses that provides them a good source of food for their survival.

Silverfish Insect

When it comes to food, silverfish have a long list on their menu. They can actually eat almost any type of objects as long as they consists of carbohydrates and sugar contents on them. Some examples of their favorite foods are things like paper, natural fibers, crumbs, dried foods and etc... On the other hand, house centipedes only prey on other living insects and the silverfish is just one among them.

The Human Centipede | First and Full Sequence

Is it really possible to create a human centipede?

If you want some possible answers then you should watch the movie entitled "The Human Centipede". From the time of this post, there were two films that has already been released in the past. They are the "First Sequence" back in 2009 and the "Full Sequence" in 2011.

Summary Plot of the Two Movies

First Sequence (2009) Movie

There were two American lovely ladies who were traveling for a vacation in Europe namely "Lindsay" and "Jenny".

When they arrived in Germany, they met a friendly waiter who had invited them to a party which was to be held in the nightclub called "Bunker". The two ladies immediately accepted the invitation without bothering to ask for more details about the location of the place.

The two ladies had rented a car and set themselves out for the party. However, they got lost on their way around where they found themselves somewhere in the middle of a forest roadway. Worst, they had a flat tire and they were even lazy enough to replace it.

They simply waited for somebody to come but they turned-down the first person that could help them because he seems like not a trustable person. Unfortunately, no one came around so they had decided to go out and explored the forest.

Lindsay and Jenny were so happy to find a huge house situated in the middle of the forest not knowing that it was owned by a psychopathic mad scientist doctor.

When Lindsay and Jenny came knocking at the door's house, the psychopath named "Joseph Heiter" had warmly welcomed them. The two thought that he was a good guy until the mad scientist drugged them to sleep.

When the two girls regained their consciousness back, they found themselves tied on beds inside a laboratory located at the psychopath's house basement.

After awhile, Dr. Heiter brought another tourist who was a Japanese named "Katsuro".

And when everybody was awake, Dr. Heiter revealed them his plan of creating a human centipede and they were his specimens. The process was that, he will connect them through their mouth and anuses.

Was Dr. Heiter successful on his operation?

You've better watch the movie.

My Personal Opinion about The First Sequence

The first sequel had ended with a lot of mystery especially to what happened to the last lady that survived. Did somebody came into the house and rescued her? Or, did she later died in the room? Anyway, it is better to assume that the fellow authorities of those two investigators came looking for them. Then, there they found the lady and helped her out.

As for my personal opinion about this movie, Dr. Heiter lack some personal background. Who was he? Doesn't he had any family members? Why did he ended up as a psychopathic doctor with the urge of creating a human centipede? Why not spider or some other kind of insects?

Considering that he has a family, they could have helped him with his mental disorder but not unless he murdered them all. But if this was the case, the authorities will probably find out about it.

Full Sequence (2011)

On this second sequel of the movie, it features a guy named "Martin" who lives along with his mother in a Bleak Housing Project. He was just an ordinary guy around working as a night shift security guard from an underground parking complex. However, this guy was a mentally disturbed loner that made him became a psychopath.

His psychopathic behavior started when he finally losses himself after watching the horror film "The Human Centipede - First Sequence". Martin was so greatly inspired by the film in which he attempts the unthinkable of creating his own version of human centipede.

My Personal Opinion about the Full Sequence

I totally agree to the part that some movies can inspire viewers either in a good or bad way. However, Martin was influenced by the film in a very bad way that made him turned into a complete psychopath. He was even worse than Dr. Heiter where he had a total of 12 specimens.

My opinion regarding about this second sequel of the movie is that, it's actually better than the first. It's because Martin displayed a lot more psychopathic behavior where he broke Dr. Heiter's record composing of only three segments of human centipede.

Real Human Centipede

In reality, is it really possible to create a human centipede?

The answer is "Yes", it is possible. Humans can be sewn together connecting them through their mount and anuses just like in the movie. But the real question here is that, "Will they be able to survive long enough?".

Since they are interconnected from the mouth and anuses, the only lucky individual that can survive is the one on the front. Those that are behind has the risk of dying due to the feces and urines that they are forced to eat or consume. You have to know that feces are toxic body wastes that when consumed by humans, it leads into a serious type of illness that can even cause death.

Overall, human centipede is medically possible to be achieve when done the right way. Although, not in a way as what has been portrayed in those two movies. But surely, such kind of human experiment is mentally impossible to handle. It is very disgusting!